FAQS for Digital Resources
Frequently asked questions when accessing digital library collections
Forgot my password
If you forget your library account password, you can reset this through the library catalogue.
If you make three unsuccessful password attempts, your account will be blocked for security reasons. If your account is blocked, please wait 5 minutes before trying with your new password. You will be unable to access the library's digital collections and apps until your account is unblocked.
If you have forgotten your password associated with a particular service (for example, Libby), use the forgot password link on their website.
Library membership not recognised
Check you are using the correct Library card (number beginning SM6...), for example if you have been issued with a replacement card, or have multiple cards in your family.
Check with the library that your account has been updated. We update them every two years to confirm that information is correct.
If you have not used your card in some time, you may need to re-join the library, then visit your nearest branch with ID and proof of current address to collect your new membership card.
General troubleshooting tips
Try logging out, then logging back into the app or service.
Check that you have the latest app version installed on your device.
Check that your device operating system supports the latest app version.